Adult Ministry
Here at Pearl River Methodist Church, we have many Adult Ministries that offer great opportunities to connect, learn, and grow in your relationship with God and others.
Sunday School
Every Sunday morning at 9:00 A.M. our Adult Sunday School class gathers in the conference room of the Grace Center, which is the building on the right of the Sanctuary with white rockers on the porch, for a group discussion around a weekly scripture reading. The class members take turns helping guide the conversation, with the aid of a resource book, as they enjoy a time of fellowship, prayer, and spiritual growth together. There’s no homework or preparation before class, and newcomers are always welcome.
Every Sunday morning at 9:00 A.M. our Adult Sunday School class gathers in the conference room of the Grace Center, which is the building on the right of the Sanctuary with white rockers on the porch, for a group discussion around a weekly scripture reading. The class members take turns helping guide the conversation, with the aid of a resource book, as they enjoy a time of fellowship, prayer, and spiritual growth together. There’s no homework or preparation before class, and newcomers are always welcome.

“Sunday’s Scripture” Bible Study
Each Wednesday at 10:00 A.M., our pastor leads a discussion-based Bible study on the passage of scripture to be used for the next Sunday’s message. There is no homework, and participants come and go from the group as their schedule allows. All that is needed to participate is an open heart and a Bible, (a Bible will be provided if you need one). Friends, family, and newcomers are always welcome. “Sunday’s Scripture” meets in the Agape Center which is the building to the left of the sanctuary. Other Bible studies are offered throughout the year on a variety of topics such as Methodism, Spiritual Gifts, World Religions, seasonal topics, etc.
Each Wednesday at 10:00 A.M., our pastor leads a discussion-based Bible study on the passage of scripture to be used for the next Sunday’s message. There is no homework, and participants come and go from the group as their schedule allows. All that is needed to participate is an open heart and a Bible, (a Bible will be provided if you need one). Friends, family, and newcomers are always welcome. “Sunday’s Scripture” meets in the Agape Center which is the building to the left of the sanctuary. Other Bible studies are offered throughout the year on a variety of topics such as Methodism, Spiritual Gifts, World Religions, seasonal topics, etc.
Ladies’ Ministry Team
Ladies’ Ministry Team meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 P.M. for a quick dinner together, a short devotional and fellowship. The ladies are also very engaged in service projects at the church and in the community.
Ladies’ Ministry Team meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 P.M. for a quick dinner together, a short devotional and fellowship. The ladies are also very engaged in service projects at the church and in the community.
Children’s Ministry
Here at Pearl River Methodist Church our ministry for children is excited to partner with you to help your children grow mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Our goal is for them to learn what it means to be loved by God and how to spread that love to others through faith in Jesus Christ.
Children’s Church
Children Church happens during worship on
Sunday mornings. It is specifically designed to provide Christian Education for our youngest disciples in an environment created especially for them. Children 3-yrs-old through the 3rd grade are invited to go with volunteers to the Agape Center following Children’s Time. Children’s Church is full of activities and Bible teachings that inspire children to live their lives for Jesus!

Rotation Sunday School
Every Sunday at 9:00 A.M. in our Agape Center, children ages 3 through 6th grade explore a Bible story through different workshops, including storytelling, cooking, Bible skills and games, photography, drama, art, music, science, woodworking, crafts, audio/video and more! The children are divided into two classes:
3 year old – K and 1st – 6th grades. Each week, the classes travel to a new workshop to learn that month’s Bible story in a different style. By the end of the month, children will have heard and experienced a Bible story in at least 4 different ways during the month!

Happening Now
This month in Rotation Sunday School, we are learning to sign language the song “He Has Made Me Glad”. This song will be presented for the congregation on November 18 or 25. You can find the video of the song at https://www.youtube.com/watchv=iNegeB5apBw. This is a teaching video with the song done toward the end. Each Sunday, we will be learning this song and looking forward to signing it for the congregation! HAPPY November
Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Each summer PRMC offers Vacation Bible School to its members, friends, and the community. This week long camp takes place for a few hours each night for children Kindergarten to the 5th grade, with Youth (6th-12th grade) serving as helpers. VBS includes music, crafts, science experiments, games, snack, storytelling, and more.
Music Ministry
Music is an integral part of the worship life at Pearl River Methodist Church. We encourage everybody to join in singing praises to God during worship, regardless of musical inclination. For over a decade now, we have been blending modern Christian praise songs and traditional hymns of our faith into a unique and engaging worship experience that reflects our rich heritage and our vision for the future.
If you feel a desire to be a part of the music ministry or would like to share your gifts of music in worship sometime, please contact Leslie Craddock, our Worship Leader and Coordinator of Music Ministries.

Outreach & Missions
Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these…you did it to me.” Matthew 25:40
Pearl River Methodist Church offers a variety of outreach and mission opportunities regularly which, enable us to respond to the needs of our community and the world through acts of service and love. Below are a few highlights of our outreach ministries.
Food Drives Our Ladies Ministry Team, which meets on the third Thursday of every month, sponsors several food drives a year, to help stock the shelves at Second Harvest Food Bank right here in Pearl River. We assist with the Food Ministry sponsored
by Community Christian Concern on designated Saturday morning at 9:00 A.M. in the parking lot of the old Precious Pearls. We also provide Thanksgiving Food Baskets to families in need in our community every November.

Men’s Group Our Men’s Group is a service-minded team, who assist in minor repairs, yard work, and other special projects in our congregational family and in the community.
Christmas Mission Offering It has become our tradition to give away our entire offering on Christmas Eve to missions. We challenge each family to give an equal value of what they spend on Christmas gifts towards our Christmas Mission Offering. Together our offerings make a difference in the lives of children, youth, and adults both locally and globally. In 2017, we raised $10,000 for our Christmas Mission Offering, which was given away to the Louisiana United Methodist Children’s Home, Community Christian Concern, the hurricane disaster in Puerto Rico and our local church and community missions.
Coffee with the Pastor
Join our Pastor Kathy in the Grace Center Thursday mornings at 9:30 A.M. for a time of devotion, coffee, fellowship and conversation. You will have the opportunity to meet some of our congregants and talk with Pastor Kathy about your interests and life. Bring your friends and neighbors.
Care & Support
We offer a variety of caring ministries here at Pearl River Methodist Church to meet the needs of our congregation and the wider community including the following:
- Grace Notes Writing Ministry – a group of faithful worshipers who write loving and encouraging notes of love and healing to some anyone needing prayer.
- Bread of Life Meal Teams – a group of great cooks who prepare meals for people in our congregation or community that are home bound due to illness or death in the family.
- Email Prayer Chain – a group of faithful prayer warriors who are e-mailed a list to pray for daily, weekly or as the need for prayer arises.
- Hospital Visitation – a few loving and caring men and women who visit our congregation or community family members or friends when they are hospitalized or are having procedures done that are in need of prayer
- In-Home Communion – At the end of Holy Communion each Sunday if you have a loved one or friend who is in need of the grace of God, we provide you with prepared blessed elements of bread and juice to take to them.
If you would like more information about Our Caring Ministries, please contact Pastor Kathy by calling the church office at 985-863-7452 or emailing her at Revkathya@gmail.com.
Celebrations of Life
November 1, 2020
October 3, 2020
September 26, 2020
August 31, 2020
July 15, 2020